Second post

No, I won't number my posts, uauhauhahuauhauha... it lacks imagination or subjects to name this one...

Another weekend's come and gone... in a blink... cause I didn't even notice...
Sunday night's the most depressing part ever... knowing that I have to work tomorrow and there's a whooole week until the next weekend that probably will pass as quickly as this one, huauhauhauhuha...
Life's funny... and time's a bitch!

Just watched more Desperate Housewives... and read New Moon... the book's been pretty sad lately... but it drags me to the pages anyway...

I met someone... a great person... that's all for now...

C ya tomorrow... first day of 2009 in the office... it must be good...


At the moment: Mayday Parade - I'll Be The Wings That Keep Your Heart In The Clouds

1 Response to "Second post"

  1. Unknown says:

    This song is JUST amazing! :D:D:D

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