"all this feels strange and untrue..."

Just finished another Grey's Anatomy episode... I'm on the 3rd season now!
Mmm, I had to update here...

Let's see what happened since the last post...
I went to the movies again, that movie was great!
Grabbed another starbucks on friday... got a haircut and went out for pizza on saturday!
Painted my room and watched some movies on sunday!

Yeah, that was pretty much it!

This is going to be a rocking week... there's a holiday coming and I'll finish painting the room (finally). Valentine's Day is coming... and the gay parade, wich I'll be attending for the first time!

I've been pretty tired lately... and I don't feel like working at all!
I wanted vacation...

And I've been definitely happy!
It's such a crazy thing when you're in love...
I mean, one day you're living your life normally (and you're bored if you're me because I was kinda workaholic the past few months) and you don't expect nothing from the world you live in because it doesn't show you a thing... and it doesn't give you a reason to keep on believing...
And then, someone appears... and everything seems to make sense...
I may be kinda dreamy about those things...
But it's just that I've been having the best times ever! My heart's peaceful... my mind's in turbo... and I wanted the days not to end... but since they do, I just want another one to start as soon as possible!

"... and I won't waste a minute without you..."

At the moment: Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes

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