"you take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless..."

Hey everyone!

Another week's starting and here I am with a new post as usual!

I went to the doctor on thursday because my back is starting to piss me off... come on, it's been 2 weeks, stop already!
We didn't go to Blackdog on Friday... it was re-escheduled to saturday cause Fefa had a test to do and another people couldn't make it... anyway!
So we went to a club... a really beautiful club by the way! And the night was great, but MY BACK IS KILLING ME! Despite that, it was really cool! *__*
I slept nearly the whole day on saturday and then at night, we finally went to Blackdog... conversations and Bibop night!!!! NOT!
Bibop wasn't working... =/
And we ended up going to Tunnel... wich was awesome as usual... despite my back, again... ¬¬
And yesterday I went to Lucas to watch "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events"... I LOVED IT! *__________* I want the books now!

Speaking of books, I'm still reading Stieg Larson's one and I bought the whole Eragon trilogy!

Britney performed Mannequin on tour... she trashed it! :S

Mmm, I guess that's it...

"I'll miss you SO much this week..."


At the moment: Taylor Swift - Fearless

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