
Gabriel Milinkovic
This week was great... I had a lot of thoughts, but I'm good with myself...
And I decided to go after a dream of mine that was kinda asleep but never went away...
to become a doctor... or sort of doctor... maybe a vet or a dentist... anyway, I always wanted to do something biological, and I decided to really try.
I'm going back to school... it's actually a prep school... so I can get to USP!
God bless me!
About the title of the post... well, it was supposed to be...
But it all turned out to be kinda boring... for now at least...
It's friday night and right now I was supposed to be in a club, with a friend that I haven't seen for the past 6 years... yeah, it's a looooooooooooooong time. Some money trouble and we couldn't do it... so one more time, it's friday night... and it's raining and I'm home doing absolutely nothing!
In 9 hours I'll be doing a test to a scholarship in the prep school and I hope I get lucky and do fine because I remember NOTHING about the subjects I had at school...
Then, at night, I'll head to the same club I was going to go today with my friends with other friends... and I hope the night to be awesome! ^^
Sunday I'll probably sleep the whole day uhahuahuauhauha!
I guess that's it!!!
C ya!
At The Moment: Joe Anderson - Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Across the Universe OST)


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Hey everyone!
Today's already tuesday... the weekend really flew me by...
Sunday was a thoughtful day... I'm starting to think I can be sort of bipolar sometimes...
Cause I think and overthink about some things and I really change my mind easily.
I spent the afternoon thinking about all that's been happening with this feelings and I thought that maybe the way it's happenning isn't right...
Anyway, sunday night was interesting...
I ended up going to a club... and it was fun!!! Thanks for that Dih! ;)
Hum, monday was pretty much boring... it rained a loooooooot and guess what: I have a cold! yey ¬¬
It's better for the world that this cold get gone by thursday because I already have plans for the weekend!
I'm listening to The Beatles a lot lately...
The funny thing about The Beatles is how you get caught by them.
I mean, my mom always listened to them, she was born in their most sucessful years and she always told me about their songs. Of course I knew some, but I never wanted to really listen to them.
I donwloaded their discography about 2 or 3 months ago and I never listened to it.
So yesterday I suddenly was willing to listen to them and here I am today, drowning myself in their lyrics and all...
It's also funny how the day seems to be different when you listen to them...
I want the 60's back!
At the Moment: The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Yeah, first bad post of the year...
We found out a week ago that an aunt of mine has cancer... it's in her intestine and liver, and it's been there for 10 years, but she didn't know...
She's been throught a surgery for removal of the tumor in the intestine and it all went fine...
But her liver is too damaged... she'll take some medicines and do a treatment... but she doesn't have much time... the doc already said it...
I probably shouldn't be writing it here... but this blog works for me as a drain... for all good and bad things...
guess that's it...
Yesterday was great...
Went to the mall, bought some clothes and watched Marley & Me with Fefa in her house... cried my eyes out...
At The Moment: Jim Sturgess - Strawberry Fields Forever


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Well, it's friiiiiiday everyone!!!!
And you know what I remembered today?
In the last days of 2008, I put the following message in my orkut:
"Throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream..."
Well, I'm catching a dream, I guess... everything's been really great!!!! ^^
Guess that's it for today folks... I'm working, it still cold altough the sun showed up a bit and tomorrow my parents are back from the beach...
PS: I definitely need to read Eclipse... I'm with the book for a week and i'm still in chapter 5! :S
it's been a distracting week...
At The Moment: Miley Cyrus - Breakout


Gabriel Milinkovic
Hey y'all...
I'm on my lunch break and I decided to post...
Dunno why... I just felt like posting...
Because I'm so damn happy!!!!
When 2009 kicked in I swore myself it was going to be the BEST year of my life... or one of the best years of my life, cause I expect to have a lot of best years...
Anyway, I promised myself that...
I just wanted to say it here, for the record...
Anyway, I'm SOOOOOOO happy!!!! \o/
I'm happy about a lot of things... because it all seems to be putting together...
PS: I finished watching Desperate Housewives 2nd season... OH GOSH! AWESOME!
At The Moment: Lady GaGa - Poker Face


Gabriel Milinkovic
What an odd tuesday...
I decided to go to bed earlier last night and I overslept uhauhauhauha...
Got up late, came to the office late... but who cares?
PS: my bro's joining my parents at the beach tonight, so I'll probably be alone for the next couple days...
At the Moment: Jay Vaquer - Mais Um Dia


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Hey y'all...
Monday morning and I'm soooooooooooo sleepy...
I'll probably won't have anything fresh to tell you until tomorrow so I'm already posting for the day...
Bye! ^^
At the moment: Savage Garden - Hold Me


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Wow, I didn't even notice again! :O
Anyway, I don't have much to say...
I just want this week to pass as quickly as possible...
At the moment: Anna Nalick - In My Head


Gabriel Milinkovic
Heeey everyone...
My week's been normal... I quit the gym... Need to have priorities right now and at the moment, I can't afford it... anyway...
That's all I'd like to say to y'all for now...
At the Moment: Jim Sturgess - All You Need Is Love (Across the Universe OST)


Gabriel Milinkovic
Hey y'all, it's been three days since my last post...
I've been busy, kinda... lost in thoughts, I may say...
huuuum, let's see... work's been shit... my boss decided to go on a trip and took the material I need to actually do something and I spent these last couple days doing some silly stuff I had no need to do now...
Gym... well, what's that? I haven't come back yet... but I'm working on it... I'm too happy right now to work out huauhauhauha...
And last but DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, I've been happy...
*it's friday, I'm in love...*
At the moment: Jay Vaquer - Campo Minado


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Butterflies... shiverings... no further comments...
At the moment: HSM 3 Cast - Can I Have This Dance?


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Yeah... definitely, oh gosh!
What a monday!
It was raining... and I walked a lot... it wasn't a beautiful day if you looked outside...
But I had a sparkle in my eyes... and it sure was a beautiful day...
The best monday I've had in a loooong time... smiling for no reason, but actually there IS a reason...
I'm sure it all has to do with a certain someone...
All I can say is: I can handle that...
u got the point! ;)
At the moment: Mayday Parade - Jersey


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
No, I won't number my posts, uauhauhahuauhauha... it lacks imagination or subjects to name this one...
Another weekend's come and gone... in a blink... cause I didn't even notice...
Sunday night's the most depressing part ever... knowing that I have to work tomorrow and there's a whooole week until the next weekend that probably will pass as quickly as this one, huauhauhauhuha...
Life's funny... and time's a bitch!
Just watched more Desperate Housewives... and read New Moon... the book's been pretty sad lately... but it drags me to the pages anyway...
I met someone... a great person... that's all for now...
C ya tomorrow... first day of 2009 in the office... it must be good...
At the moment: Mayday Parade - I'll Be The Wings That Keep Your Heart In The Clouds


Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Hi y'all!! ^^
I'm Gabriel, a 20-year-old brazilian guy starting his own blog...
I guess this is the 3rd one but, well, I write a lot.
First of all, why write in english? I express myself better.
And why start a blog now?
Well, 2008's gone!!! THANK GOD! What a year!
I guess I experienced a LOT of things I thought I would never do... or never expected to so soon...
I definitely crash the bottom... and although it was a very traumatizing process, I recovered.
I went throught a not necessary job, altough it made me grow and I ended up liking it...
I partied a LOT in the last 3 months of the year... that's not ME definitely... I don't usually go out to party a lot... I'm not saying I don't like it... It's just that I'm not that kind of guy you'll see EVERY WEEKEND in some club... and I'm not the kind of staying home all the time, either... wow, I'm complicated... yeah... that's me!
I did my first tattoo... I said several times that I would NEVER tattoo...
I had a lot of piercings but I never thought about a tattoo because you can take your piercings out if you like... what about a tattoo??? That's forever...
But I chose a really beautiful meaningful sentence... I tattoed "Reinvent Love" on my back... and it's lovely!!! ^^ A verse of Panic At The Disco's Mad as Rabbits. You need to check out the song cause it's great!!!! And you can check the pic in my orkut! ^^
I work in the accountancy business... oh crap, huahuauhuahuhauhahua. No, I don't like it... it's how I pay college, wich by the way I'm not going. Because of that not necessary job, I didn't apply to college in the 3rd semester... But in six months, I'll do. I definitely need to go back to school and get a decent job ASAP.
I'm totally addicted to series... I'm downloading like 6 or 7... I absolutely love it!!!
And I'm into music... MAD about Panic at the Disco and Britney and Paramore and This Providence, and I could spend a whole year writing about bands and singers I like...
I guess that's it to start with. Today's January 3rd, and I'm doing absolutely nothing! :S
At least nothing different.
Watching Desperate Housewives 2nd season, playing Metal Gear Solid 4 and reading New Moon (Twilight really got me going... i loooooove vampires).
I'm back to work on monday so I guess I'll just be as lazy as I can until then.
Well, whoever's reading, this is my first post... It will take a while to let this blog like I want it to be, but I'll do my best! ^^
for my own, because probably my friends will be the ones reading whatever I'll post...
Well, that's it! ^^
At the moment: Panic At The Disco - When The Day Met The Night