
Gabriel Milinkovic
1 Comment
Bom, tcho ver...
Essa semana além de estar sem saco pra postar em inglês, eu tô sem saco pra POSTAR!
O fim de semana até foi bom... Lu tava dodói, mas graças a Deus não era nada grave!
Cortei o belo, joguei videogame, tive um dor de cabeça terrível no sábado, um ótimo início de domingo (6)... e filmes!
Hoje foi bom... passou rápido!
Torcendo pra amanhã ter uma boa notícia... já que hoje de noite tive uma notícia chata! =/
Porque como Bono canta em Walk On: "what you got they can't steal it, no, they can't even feel it..." e nada vai mudar!
Brendon que voz meldeeeeeeeeeeeeeels, me mata!
Bom, acho que é isso!
At the Moment: New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco


Gabriel Milinkovic
Bom, não tô com saco de postar em inglês hoje! \o/
Enfim, vamos ver...
Semana passada foi um saco, eu bem me lembro...
Mas o fim de semana foi bom!
Sexta feira fui ver Harry Potter e o Enigma do Príncipe... gostei do filme, apesar de terem sido feitas vááááárias adaptações e terem mudado o foco do filme e algumas cenas terem sido péssimas, valeu a pena! Agora quero ver A Proposta, 17 Outra Vez e A Era do Gelo 3!!! *__*
Sábado fiquei em casa o dia inteiro, e de noite baladinha... tocou RADAR!!! Nem morri, magina... mas o remix não era dos melhores... e no meio da balada me deu um sono tremendo, podia dormir ali mesmo! E de manhã tava muito friooooooooooooooo!! AMO!!!
Domingo foi o melhor dia... filmes com meu mozzi! *_______________*
Tãããããão booooooooooom!!! AMO AMO AMO!
Deixe-me ver... acabei de ler "Os Homens Que Não Amavam as Mulheres"... romance policial FODA pra quem gosta do gênero! AMEI!
E agora vou começar Eragon!
Musically speaking...
escutei o cd novo da Jordin Sparks... amei!!! It Takes More é muuuuuuuuuuuito foda!!!!
Ela canta demais, mas as músicas dela me deixam meio pra baixo de vez em quando!!!
Hopi Hari foi marcado pra outro dia... =/
e talvez eu faça meu piercing de novo esse fim de semana!
Depois conto tudo!!!
"When you told me I was a star in the sky
Baby, I believed every word..."
At The Moment: Jordin Sparks - Watch You Go


Gabriel Milinkovic
Heeeey everyone!!!
A new week... and what about the past weekend?
BORING! but it was good cause I was with my boo so everything's better!
But we surely did NOTHING...
What the hell was that saturday? I mean, it should be forbiden to rain on saturdays! We rented movies and had ice cream with cake... slept a lot!
And so we did on sunday cause it was SO cold!
My allergies decided to attack me so I'm really pissed off...
Anyway, this week's going to be better!
Harry Potter's 6th movie is premiering and hopefully it will be great... I'm not going to the premiere because I won't be able to catch any of the TWO sessions they're doing at night... so I'll probably hit the movies on saturday!
Can't wait to July 26th!!!! HOPI HARI!!!! *__* HADIKALI!!!! *__*
Guess that's it...
I'm on my lunch break and I want to read a bit before getting back to work!


Gabriel Milinkovic
Hey everyone!
Another week's starting and here I am with a new post as usual!
I went to the doctor on thursday because my back is starting to piss me off... come on, it's been 2 weeks, stop already!
We didn't go to Blackdog on Friday... it was re-escheduled to saturday cause Fefa had a test to do and another people couldn't make it... anyway!
So we went to a club... a really beautiful club by the way! And the night was great, but MY BACK IS KILLING ME! Despite that, it was really cool! *__*
I slept nearly the whole day on saturday and then at night, we finally went to Blackdog... conversations and Bibop night!!!! NOT!
Bibop wasn't working... =/
And we ended up going to Tunnel... wich was awesome as usual... despite my back, again... ¬¬
And yesterday I went to Lucas to watch "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events"... I LOVED IT! *__________* I want the books now!
Speaking of books, I'm still reading Stieg Larson's one and I bought the whole Eragon trilogy!
Britney performed Mannequin on tour... she trashed it! :S
Mmm, I guess that's it...
"I'll miss you SO much this week..."
At the moment: Taylor Swift - Fearless


Gabriel Milinkovic
Heeeey everyone!
Well, the weekend was great!
Nothing different happened! But I've finally finished my BEDROOM! YEEEEEEEEY!!! \o/
Spent saturday night and sunday with Lucas... could it be any better??? *__________*
And then the week started!
Let's see... today's wednesday! And it's July 1st! Vacation month... NOT! :S
I'm working, as usual...
Mmm, let's see...
Friday we'll go to Blackdog! Conversations night! *__* And there's gonna be Bebop so it's gonna be FUN!
Besides that, nothing planned for the weekend yet!
Radar video leaked!!!! SHE'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!! OMFG!!!!
No further comments...
Guess that's it...
