It's so supernatural... now everything's beautiful...

Four facts:

1 - I know the world's beautiful... who doesn't?
It's everywhere we look, everywhere we touch...

2 - People are grateful for the life they live and all the good things they experience... I fit in this category because I'm grateful for everything I've done so far!

3 - The dreamy guy I am... the old fashioned believer...

Joining #2 and #3: 4 - I believe there's something more.

The "place" I went last night...
that's the world as we all should see it...
In my first trip, I should say the world weren't as bright as I thought it would be in the first time...
But it felt good...
While I was there I loved every tiny bit of everything I touched... and I loved myself in a way I never did before!
What's on the other side of the mirror?
The scariest you get, the more teasing it appears to be...
The room's twisted and it calls you in the most appealing way...

I never saw so many stars... and the sky never melted... and was never that blue!

"If nobody is everybody, then someone could be anybody..."

I surely was...
and even if it weren't as bright as I thought, I know it's only a matter of time and oportunity... cause when I laid my head in my pillow this morning, the universe was sending me a message:

"the bright lights are here... so come and get them..."

I surely will...

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